Monday, April 14, 2008

popeye:Rhetorical analysis

In this advertisement it is about Campbell Soup and they used Popeye as an attention grabber. It is showing Popeye eating Campbell soup and showing how good it is and how good it is for you as well. So the main object in this advertisement is the soup. The author for this ad is the makers of Campbell soup, they are trying to sell their soup and say how delicious it is even Popeye eats it. The audience of this ad I would say is anyone from kids to adults, but mainly just kids. This is due to the fact that they are using a famous and well like cartoon figure to try and be an influence among the kids who see this advertisement. They used Popeye to try and attract kids because they know that most kids love Popeye. The purpose is of this advertisement is to try and sell their soup. The makers of Campbell soup used Popeye to say well if Popeye likes this soup then so should you. They used him because he is strong and they are trying to say if kids eat this soup then they will grow up to be just as strong as the very famous icon of Popeye. So the main point of this ad is that this soup is very good and popeye loves to eat it and so should you!

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