Thursday, January 24, 2008

smoking ad

In this picture it is an ad that shows the effects about smoking and what it can do to a persons body. This picture is about a man who smoked and from that he got throat cancer and now he has to speak throw a machine because he has a hole in his throat. The author is NYC health and they are there for anyone who needs help on how to quit smoking. The audience is for the public and for anyone who is a smoker. The purpose is to advise people on the effects of smoking and what it can do to your body.
The pathos in this ad is that is shows a lot of sympathy for this man who now has to talk through a machine because there is a hole in this throat. The ad provokes an emotion for people to feel bad for this man and he is there to show everyone just how important being smoke feel really is. The ethos is the persuasive strategy that the author uses to persuade people from not smoking. This man is the face if this advertisment because he is showing that if you smoke there is always a chance that you too could get throat cancer and end up like him. The logos in this ad isnt very big but it still shows the effects of what smoking does and how it damages your body. They make a clear connection between smoking and they effects that it can do. But the main appeal that is used i would have to say it was pathos and they show pathos off alot by the title, " Nothing will ever be the same", so that will get people so see how sad this man is and that people should quit smoking.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

I think the image not only provokes sympathy for this man, but also fear that it could happen to anyone who smokes. I think it also uses logos because the text says "nothing will ever be the same" with the photo which proves it. It's like a visual fact: this man smoked and now he will never be the same.