Thursday, February 7, 2008

blog on gender

In this image it shows how gender roles play a huge part in our society. In our society, there are certain roled among men and women. It is said that men are stronger, powerful, and incharge of providing for his family. whereas for women they are said to be house wives who cook, clean, take care of children and run the house hold. Today the roles of gender are changing but in sense they are still there for some people and will always be apart of our part. In this image it shows a women in a kitchen over a stove cooking. She is probably providing a meal for her husband and children as in society that is what women are suppose to be doing. This image i believe is a great example of gender roles and it shows that in our society women and men are expected to do certain things because that is just way it has always been. You dont see a man in this image slaving over the slove, well that is because to our society that is what women are suppose to do. If we were to see a man do that, it would be out of the norm and people would wonder. If you saw a man in this image it would simply be him maybe talking to his wife or sitting at the table. In our society men and women have such different roles, it makes it complicated if they were to do anything out of the norm of there gender role. but now days in our society gender roles are chnaging, and for the better. They are making some things now acceptable of both men and women which i believe in a better solution and is a great freshment for our society.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

Yeah, I know lots of guys who either are part-time "stay-at-home" dads or want to do that when they have kids. Very interesting.