Sunday, February 17, 2008

In the esssay the allagory of the cave by plato, it was about people who were prisonars of a cave where they spent there whole life there and only knew the world through shadows that were shown on the cave walls. I think this essay relates to the movie, The Village by M. Night Shyamalan in 2004. This movie was about a group of people who were amish and lived in a seclueded whole there no evil could hurt them. Only a small group of people of the village new that it was present day but the rest of the group didnt know that the rest of the world was not like there world. So i believe this applies to society because both of these examples, the allagory of the cave and the village, both relate to having people seclueded from the real world to protect them to what now days society is really like. Just like in the essay The allagory of the cave, the prisonars were shown shadows of people, animals, and random objects ect. by the people that held them in there. I think they did this because they wanted to protect them from going out in the real world so they held them there only let them see what they wanted to see. This is almost the same situation in The village. The small group that new what the real world was like so they made there own world because they thought that thy were protecting them. So the people who actuelly grew up in the town didnt know any better and thought that was the way the world was. So these two stories are very similar and they both relate to society in some way.

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