Thursday, February 28, 2008


For my synthesis paper, I have decided to use the text The Allegory of the Cave and the movie The Village. In these two stories, they both have a similar idea but they are also different. In the Allegory of the Cave, it is about prisoners that are held up in a cave and don’t know anything about the outside world. They just thought that that cave was just like outside world and they would see shadows on the wall that would explain what was beyond the cave. In the movie The Village, it was about a colony of people who lived in their own secluded village away from the real world. But the twist was that only a few people in the village knew what the outside world was about and how advanced it was in technology. The others of the village just thought that’s how the world was and didn’t know any better. So those few people that knew about the real world keep the others from exploring outside the village by saying there were monsters in the woods and they wouldn’t be able to get around it. So theses two stories have a lot in common but all the same time they are also different. They both are about people who are secluded from the world and know what else is out there. So the theme of my paper would be that some people are so secluded from the world that they need to break out and what is out there and they need to see it for themselves.

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