Monday, April 14, 2008

Visa: Rhetorical analysis

In this advertisement it is a picture of a wallet of all these things, but the best thing included in this wallet in the visa credit card. It shows anything from a lucky pencil, coupons, and pictures to a student id. But the main focus in this advertisement is the visa credit card that is trying to be sold. The author of this advertisement was the sellers of the Visa credit card company. They are trying to get people to use their credit cards because they say it’s the best possible choice. The audience in this advertisement is for everyone who is eligible go get a credit card but is mainly geared toward college kids. They are saying that college kids have all these expenses and by using the visa credit card it will help them out by paying for all those annoying expenses that college comes with. They are saying that having a visa credit card in your wallet is the best choice and will benefit you when it comes to paying for things when you get on your own and in college. The purpose of this advertisement is trying to get college kids to use visa credit cards. They are saying that every college kid should have that card because it is the best choice when it comes to all the college expenses.

popeye:Rhetorical analysis

In this advertisement it is about Campbell Soup and they used Popeye as an attention grabber. It is showing Popeye eating Campbell soup and showing how good it is and how good it is for you as well. So the main object in this advertisement is the soup. The author for this ad is the makers of Campbell soup, they are trying to sell their soup and say how delicious it is even Popeye eats it. The audience of this ad I would say is anyone from kids to adults, but mainly just kids. This is due to the fact that they are using a famous and well like cartoon figure to try and be an influence among the kids who see this advertisement. They used Popeye to try and attract kids because they know that most kids love Popeye. The purpose is of this advertisement is to try and sell their soup. The makers of Campbell soup used Popeye to say well if Popeye likes this soup then so should you. They used him because he is strong and they are trying to say if kids eat this soup then they will grow up to be just as strong as the very famous icon of Popeye. So the main point of this ad is that this soup is very good and popeye loves to eat it and so should you!

dove beauty

In this advertisement, it is about a lady who used dove shampoo and now has amazing hair just after 5 days of using it. In the text she is saying how much she loves her hair now that she has used dove shampoo. The Author of this advertisement is the company of Dove. They want to try and sell their products by using real people to use their shampoo and tell everyone how great it is. The Audience that this advertisement is geared toward it women, and maybe men but most likely I would say men. This advertisement is showing women that just after 5 days of using their dove shampoo then you too will have amazing and beautiful hair. It also is geared toward anyone who is unhappy or just flat out hates their hair, then dove shampoo can change all that and give you the hair you were went to love. The purpose to this advertisement is easy; it is trying to sell dove shampoo. The purpose of this advertisement is to try and get others who also feel like their hair needs a change and with doing so, using dove shampoo is the best choice to make. They are saying that just after a use of 5 days, and then you will have great hair that you will love. In conclusion, this advertisement is about getting women to buy dove shampoo t have beautiful hair just like the lady in the picture.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


For my synthesis paper, I have decided to use the text The Allegory of the Cave and the movie The Village. In these two stories, they both have a similar idea but they are also different. In the Allegory of the Cave, it is about prisoners that are held up in a cave and don’t know anything about the outside world. They just thought that that cave was just like outside world and they would see shadows on the wall that would explain what was beyond the cave. In the movie The Village, it was about a colony of people who lived in their own secluded village away from the real world. But the twist was that only a few people in the village knew what the outside world was about and how advanced it was in technology. The others of the village just thought that’s how the world was and didn’t know any better. So those few people that knew about the real world keep the others from exploring outside the village by saying there were monsters in the woods and they wouldn’t be able to get around it. So theses two stories have a lot in common but all the same time they are also different. They both are about people who are secluded from the world and know what else is out there. So the theme of my paper would be that some people are so secluded from the world that they need to break out and what is out there and they need to see it for themselves.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Joy synthesis

"Joy, to me, is doing something that makes me happy. It's something that that makes me smile and laugh constantly. It would also make me feel calm and relaxed."-Kristin

"Joy to me is being happy and content with who you are and how you are living. I think joy comes from the company of family and friends to share good memeories and laughter. When you share joy, you are sharing happieness among people."-Myself

Kristin+Myself= Joy is a happy and clam feeling, when you have joy you are filled with happieness and laughter! Joy may also come from within or from your family and friends to put a smile on your face.

Joy to me is being happy and content with who you are and how you are living. I think joy comes from the company of family and friends to share good memeories and laughter. When you share joy, you are sharing happieness among people.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

In the esssay the allagory of the cave by plato, it was about people who were prisonars of a cave where they spent there whole life there and only knew the world through shadows that were shown on the cave walls. I think this essay relates to the movie, The Village by M. Night Shyamalan in 2004. This movie was about a group of people who were amish and lived in a seclueded whole there no evil could hurt them. Only a small group of people of the village new that it was present day but the rest of the group didnt know that the rest of the world was not like there world. So i believe this applies to society because both of these examples, the allagory of the cave and the village, both relate to having people seclueded from the real world to protect them to what now days society is really like. Just like in the essay The allagory of the cave, the prisonars were shown shadows of people, animals, and random objects ect. by the people that held them in there. I think they did this because they wanted to protect them from going out in the real world so they held them there only let them see what they wanted to see. This is almost the same situation in The village. The small group that new what the real world was like so they made there own world because they thought that thy were protecting them. So the people who actuelly grew up in the town didnt know any better and thought that was the way the world was. So these two stories are very similar and they both relate to society in some way.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

blog on gender

In this image it shows how gender roles play a huge part in our society. In our society, there are certain roled among men and women. It is said that men are stronger, powerful, and incharge of providing for his family. whereas for women they are said to be house wives who cook, clean, take care of children and run the house hold. Today the roles of gender are changing but in sense they are still there for some people and will always be apart of our part. In this image it shows a women in a kitchen over a stove cooking. She is probably providing a meal for her husband and children as in society that is what women are suppose to be doing. This image i believe is a great example of gender roles and it shows that in our society women and men are expected to do certain things because that is just way it has always been. You dont see a man in this image slaving over the slove, well that is because to our society that is what women are suppose to do. If we were to see a man do that, it would be out of the norm and people would wonder. If you saw a man in this image it would simply be him maybe talking to his wife or sitting at the table. In our society men and women have such different roles, it makes it complicated if they were to do anything out of the norm of there gender role. but now days in our society gender roles are chnaging, and for the better. They are making some things now acceptable of both men and women which i believe in a better solution and is a great freshment for our society.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

smoking ad

In this picture it is an ad that shows the effects about smoking and what it can do to a persons body. This picture is about a man who smoked and from that he got throat cancer and now he has to speak throw a machine because he has a hole in his throat. The author is NYC health and they are there for anyone who needs help on how to quit smoking. The audience is for the public and for anyone who is a smoker. The purpose is to advise people on the effects of smoking and what it can do to your body.
The pathos in this ad is that is shows a lot of sympathy for this man who now has to talk through a machine because there is a hole in this throat. The ad provokes an emotion for people to feel bad for this man and he is there to show everyone just how important being smoke feel really is. The ethos is the persuasive strategy that the author uses to persuade people from not smoking. This man is the face if this advertisment because he is showing that if you smoke there is always a chance that you too could get throat cancer and end up like him. The logos in this ad isnt very big but it still shows the effects of what smoking does and how it damages your body. They make a clear connection between smoking and they effects that it can do. But the main appeal that is used i would have to say it was pathos and they show pathos off alot by the title, " Nothing will ever be the same", so that will get people so see how sad this man is and that people should quit smoking.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First blog: my writing skills

In our first blog assignment we were to read an essay by Anne lamott about her writing methods and how they compare to ours. The way she writes is some what simiar to mine because she just puts all her ideas down on paper even if it doesnt sound good or make sense, it is her first draft so she soesnt care because no one is going to see it. Then she will go back and try to reword it and make it a better and readable paper. So in a way i have a similar writing method as her beacause my writting process is to write down my first draft and try to put all my ideas on paper then go back a fix it to make it a readable and great paper. The way i write would have to be long and tedious beacause im not a very good writer so it takes me a long time to process what i want to write and make it a good paper. In my opion i do not like to write, i have never been good at it and i just dont like it very much. People always say that you are either a math person or english person and i would say i am a math person and not an english person.Im not very good at english and writing papers but i hope to get better. But with this blogging assignments i hope it will affect my writing skills to improve them and make me a better writter.